The Green Flag: Indicates the beginning
of a session or the end of the danger in a particular part of the track.

The Yellow Flag: Danger ahead, caution necessary and
overtaking is prohibited. A waiving yellow flag means slow down and prepare to stop if instructed to do so.

The Black Flag: Generally accompanied by a
car number, summons the driver of a the car flagged to the pits immediately.

The Blue Flag: During a session, notifies
a driver he is about to be passed and to let the other car overtake.

The Debris/Oil Flag: Warns drivers the track may
be slippery with fluids or debris is on the track surface.

The Meatball Flag: Usually accompanied by a car
number warning the driver his car has a mechanical problem and he must go to the pits.

The Safety Flag: Informs drivers an emergency or
service vehicle is on track and to give the emergency vehicle the right of way.

The Red Flag: Shown around the entire track to
indicate the session has been stopped in the interest of safety. Come to a controlled stop at the nearest corner worker

The White Flag: Slow moving vehicle on track
ahead (HPDE). Last lap. (Race).

The Checkered Flag: Always signals the finish of
a session.