As insurance costs and track rental continue
to rise, we will do our best to keep the value-for-dollar as high as possible. MVP
Track Time reserves the right to raise prices accordingly due to unforeseen costs of doing business.
Reservation Policy
Space is limited at each track day. Reservations are on a first come
first serve basis. Historically our events fill up well in advance so register early.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
There will be a service charge to anyone cancelling
three(3) weeks before the track day. For cancellations less than three(3) weeks before the event there
will be no refunds. There will be no refunds for "No Shows". We run rain or shine!.
If a track cancels a scheduled
track day for unforeseen reasons, MVP Track Time will refund your
money in full within 30 days of the event cancellation. We are not responsible for other incurred expenses
such as hotel and travel expenses to and from the event.
A Word On Safety!
Not only does MVP Track Time
want all drivers at our track days to enjoy themselves, but we insist on a controlled environment.
This being noted, unfortunate things happen.
Track days and high performance driving events are a dangerous
sport. ALL attendees of an MVP Track Time track day will be required
to sign a liability release waiver. Anyone who does not sign a liability release waiver will NOT be allowed on the track
At every MVP Track Time track
day, we will not only have a wrecker crew standing by to assist
in removing any inoperative vehicles from the track or runoff areas,
but more importantly a full emergency team with ambulance and EMTs will be available as well.
MVP Track Time wants you to have an enjoyable track day!
Damage to Your Car or
Another Driver's Car
Each individual participating driver is personally financially repsonsible to any damage to their automobile, whether
through their own negligence, the track's negligence or the negligence of another driver while attending an MVP Track Time,
LLC. event.
Track Damage
Accidents can happen, should you encounter one while at an MVP Track Time event you will be responsible for paying any damages you cause that
may occur to the track facilities or your automobile. Any damage between cars is between the owners of the vehicles.
MVP Track Time is not responsible for any damage to any vehicle
or the track facilities caused by any attendee.
and Mediation
The Parties hereto agree that any and all claims, controversies or disputes arising from or related to this Agreement, including, but not limited to those claims, controversies
or disputes pertaining to the formation, construction, performance, applicability, interpretation, enforceability, or breach
of this Agreement, or any claim or assertion that all or part of this Agreement is void or voidable, shall be settled by binding
arbitration according to the rules of Missouri Bar Association [if good faith negotiations among the parties do not resolve
such claim, dispute or other matter within 60 days and the parties have not elected to submit such claim, dispute or other
matter to mediation]. Further, venue for the arbitration proceeding shall be in St. Louis County, Missouri. The Parties hereto
also agree that any award tendered by the arbitrator may be entered as a judgment in the St. Louis County District Court and enforceable as an order of said court and the Parties hereby submit to the venue and jurisdiction of that court for purposes of enforcement of any
arbitration award. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and legally binding and judgment may be entered
Each party shall be responsible for its share of
the arbitration fees in accordance with the applicable Missouri Rules of Arbitration. In the event a party fails to
proceed with arbitration, unsuccessfully challenges the arbitrator's award, or fails to comply with the arbitrator's award,
the other party is entitled to costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee for having to compel arbitration or defend
or enforce the award

Come On and Catch Me If You Can

Official Safety Provider of MVP Track Time |

Custom Fiberglass Molding |

G-LOC: Official Brake Pad of MVP Track Time |

5% Discount for MVP Track Time Drivers |
10% Discount on Helmet Painting |
